Instrument management

PCR/RNA bench: Theres

Epifluorescence microscope: Thomas

Cleanbench: Theres

Shimadzu Photometer: Thomas

UHPLC-MS: Theres

HPLC Agilent: Theres

Centrifuges: Theres

FACSaria, Accuri: Christian

Fluorolog: Thomas

Titrando & Optodes: Thomas

Autoclaves: Theres

Fridges: Theres

Milli-Q: Theres

Temperature controlled experimental rooms: Theres

UV table: Thomas

Gel bench/UV hood: Daniel & Theres

Hybridization ovens: Theres

Well Plate reader: Theres

Thermo GC-MS: Theres

Mastercycler: Theres

pH meter: Theres

Picarro: Thomas

McLane Pumps: Thomas & Theres

Nanosight: Eddie

Light Cycler: NA (not in use)

Nano Drop: Chie

Social Media: Maria

IT & Website: Theres




  • Modified BD FACSAria II, conforms to BD FACSAria III
  • Allows counting of prokaryotes, viruses, algae at high speed in liquid suspensions
  • In total 4 lasers with emmission wavelengths in the near UV, red, blue, and yellow-green area of the spectrum
  • Allows high-speed sorting of particles

Responsible Person: Christian Winter

Isotopic Gas Analyzer


  • Picarro G2201-i dual isotope analyzer
  • Measures concentrations and isotopes of CO2 and CH4
  • Small sample isotope module - allows measurement of 20 mL of gas
  • Closed system pump - allows measurement of respiration in enclosed systems

Responsible Person: Thomas Reinthaler



  • Horiba Fluorolog FL3-22 ultra high sensitivity spectrofluorometer
  • Temperature controlled cuvette holder
  • Plate reader for plates of up to 384 wells
  • PMT cooling for ultra low noise

Responsible Person: Thomas Reinthaler

In Situ Pump


  • McLane WTS-6-1-142 in situ pump
  • Flow rate 1 to 4 liters/min3-tier filter holder for 142 mm filter membranes
  • Rating to 5,500 m depth
  • Max volume 2,500 liters with the 10 Ahr battery pack2 pumps available

Responsible person: Thomas Reinthaler

Shimadzu UHPLC/MS


  • Autosampler SIL-30AC
  • Fluorescence detector RF-20AXS
  • Triple Quad LCMS-8040

The current setup is focused on aminoacid analysis

Responsible Person: Thomas Reinthaler

Responsible technician: Theres Koch

Microplate reader


  • Infinite 200 PRO – Infinite M Plex (TECAN) spectrofluorometer
  • Measures Absorbance, Fluorescence and Luminescence
  • Temperature controlled cuvette holder
  • Plate reader for plates of up to 384 wells

Responsible person: Theres Koch